Inspired by a real-life scandal that was shocking even for the tumultuous Roaring Twenties, this captivating novel tells the story of a pioneering Black journalist, a secret interracial marriage among the New York elite, and the sensational divorce case that ignited an explosive battle over race and class—and brought together three very different women fighting for justice, legitimacy, and the futures they risked everything to shape.
For readers of Dolen Perkins-Valdez, Marie Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murray, a transporting work of fact-based historical fiction from Denny S. Bryce, bestselling author of Wild Women and the Blues, In the Face of the Sun, and Can’t We Be Friends: A Novel of Ella Fitzgerald and Marilyn Monroe…READ MORE.
Best Selling Author
Denny S. Bryce
Denny S. Bryce is the bestselling, award-winning author of three novels: THE OTHER PRINCESS, A FACE IN THE SUN, and WILD WOMEN AND THE BLUES. She is also an NPR book critic, an adjunct professor at Drexel University, and a freelance writer who has written for Harper’s Bazaar and USA Today. She is a member of the Historical Novel Society, Women’s Fiction Writers Association, and Tall Poppy Writers. She is represented by Wendy Sherman at Wendy Sherman Associates Literary Management.
In my novels, you’ll find themes of love, family, resilience, and the complexities of identity. I explore historical settings with rich, diverse cultural landscapes, and delve into issues of race, class, and gender. My stories also tend to blend romance with elements of mystery or suspense, as I strive to create immersive and engaging narratives.
…Poor world, White and Black,
Must put their hands with mine
To shake the pillars of those temples
Wherein the false gods dwell…